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Ghostly Pubs
York is full of ghost stories; some of them give entertaining insights to the history of the city. Enjoy this haunted pub trail and pick up a pint and a bit of history along the way.
What You Will See:
The spooky pubs of High Petergate, Stonegate and Museum Street
Download the Ghostly Pubs PDFGuy Fawkes
On November 5th 1605, the day of the State Opening of Parliament, Guy Fawkes of York was discovered preparing to light a fuse on 36 barrels of gunpowder, which had been hidden under The Houses of Parliament in London.
What You Will See:
The Kings Manor, St Mary's Abbey, Bar Convent, Ouse Bridge, The York Dungeons and more
Download the Guy Fawkes PDFMedieval Churches of York
Did you know that in medieval York there were around 40 churches, eight monasteries and friaries and countless chapels and chantries. This leaflet will help you explore some of York’s lesser known treasures, the surviving medieval churches. It may take a day or more to visit all of the churches featured inside. Take your time, each and every one is worth it.
What You Will See:
St Michael le Belfry, Holy Trinity, St Helen's, Holy Trinity, Bar Convent Museum and more
Download the Medieval Churches of York PDF